How to Start White Label SaaS Business in 2024

white label saas

Imagine launching your own Software as a Service (SaaS) company in just a few weeks—without writing a single line of code.

Sounds too good to be true?

Welcome to the world of White Label SaaS, a booming market that’s helping businesses grow faster than ever before.

In fact, the SaaS market size is projected to grow by $818 billion by 2029, with white-label solutions playing an important role in this expansion.

If you’ve ever dreamed of scaling quickly while skipping the complex and costly software development process,

White-label SaaS is your answer.

In this article, we’ll explore how White Label SaaS works, why it’s a game-changer for businesses looking to scale, and the exact steps you need to start your own white-label venture in 2024.

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What is White Label SaaS?

what is white label saas

Before diving into how to start, it’s crucial to understand what White Label SaaS really is and why it’s such a valuable model for aspiring SaaS entrepreneurs.

White Label SaaS refers to a software solution that is developed by one company (the provider) but rebranded and resold by another company (the reseller).

As the reseller, you can take the software, customize it with your own branding—such as your logo, domain, and company colors—and sell it as if you developed it.

White Label SaaS allows entrepreneurs and businesses to rebrand existing software solutions as their own and sell them to their clients.

It’s an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to enter the software business without the burden of development, maintenance, or huge investments.

Here’s why this model works:

  • No Development Hassles
  • Maintenance-Free
  • Rebranding Power
  • Cost Efficiency

How do white-label Services work in General?


White-label SaaS is like having a ready-made software solution at your fingertips, without the hassle of development.

It’s like putting your brand on a high-quality product that someone else has expertly developed and taking full credit for it.

Think of it as plugging top-notch tools for web design, lead generation, analytics, and more, all under your brand into a complete, pre-built software system and customizing it to look like it’s your own.

This approach not only saves time but also cuts down on development costs, allowing you to focus on selling and supporting your product.

For example, with platforms like HighLevel, you can rebrand their service, set your own pricing, and offer advanced features like email automation or lead generation under your name—instantly boosting your agency/Business offerings.

Imagine now that you are the owner of a digital agency that outsources some of its work, such as website design and content generation, but maintains brand identity for these services.

That’s the essence of the white label: you offer a fully packaged solution, but your provider does the heavy lifting. This allows you to scale your business faster while maintaining your brand’s credibility and trust with clients.

Key Benefits of White Label SaaS

White Label SaaS is beneficial for everyone, The SaaS company (the provided) will get more clients on their existing product, while (the reseller) can customize and make his own brand and sell to businesses on subscription, and lastly, the business (the end-user) will get customized SaaS product that will ultimately save their time and money.

However, here are some of the major benefits of the White Label SaaS business model…

  • Faster Time to Market: You can launch a fully-developed product under your brand without the long development process. This allows you to get your product in front of customers quickly, helping you stay competitive and capitalize on opportunities faster.
  • Cost savings: Because the software has already been developed and managed by the provider (SaaS Company), you avoid huge costs associated with development, testing, and continuous updates.
  • Scalability: White Label SaaS products are made to grow together with your company. Since the provider takes care of the technical framework and performance, you can quickly grow your customer base.
  • Focus on Branding and Marketing: Instead of spending time on the technical aspects of building software, you can focus on what you do best—branding, marketing, and selling the product.
  • Customization and Control: While you’re using an existing platform, White Label SaaS allows for customization, so you can customize the product to suit your target audience’s needs. You can also control pricing, and how the service is presented to your customers.
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance: The provider handles all the technical upkeep, such as updates, bug fixes, and server management. This means you don’t need a dedicated technical team, giving you peace of mind and letting you focus on growth.

Challenges to White Label SaaS

Along with the benefits, Here are some of the Challenges to White Label SaaS…

  • Limited Customization: While White Label SaaS lets you rebrand and customize certain features, you’re still using a pre-built product with limited control over deep customization. This can be a challenge if your customers need highly specific features that the platform doesn’t offer.
  • Challenges in Developing an Effective Pricing Model: Setting the right price for a rebranded product can be tricky. You need to balance your provider’s costs with competitive pricing, all while ensuring your margins remain profitable. Striking the right balance without underpricing or overpricing can be a significant challenge.
  • Key Metrics: Often, the White Label provider controls key performance metrics like user engagement, system performance, and technical stats. That’s why, ensuring your white-label software provider offers reliable and accurate reporting.
  • Dependency on the Provider: Your business success is tied to your SaaS provider’s reliability. If they face downtime, slow updates, or technical issues, it directly impacts your product and, in turn, your customers’ satisfaction.

Examples of White Label SaaS Services

example of white label saas

Here are the examples of White Label SaaS services:

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective tool for all businesses but developing a platform from scratch can be time-consuming and costly. With White Label SaaS, you don’t have to.

Imagine offering your clients a fully branded email marketing service, complete with automation, campaign tracking, and sleek dashboards, all without developing it yourself.

Tools like HighLevel make this possible. You get to rebrand their platform as your own, helping your clients manage email campaigns while enhancing your own service offerings.

SEM and SEO Management

SEO and SEM are critical for businesses looking to improve their online visibility, but creating these tools from scratch is challenging.

Enter White Label SaaS platforms like The HOTH or SEO Reseller. These tools allow you to offer your clients in-depth SEO audits, keyword research, and link-building strategies—all under your brand.

This means you can provide expert SEO services without the need to build your own software, making it easier to help your clients rank higher in search results.

Social Media Management

Managing social media may be daunting, especially when juggling multiple platforms. With White Label SaaS, you can offer clients a branded solution that simplifies the process.

Platforms like SocialPilot let you sell a social media management tool where your clients can schedule posts, track engagement, and analyze results—all with your branding on top.

It’s a win-win: your clients save time, and you provide them with a powerful social media tool without the hassle of development.

Landing Page Building

High-conversion landing pages are essential for online marketing success, but creating a platform to build them is no small feat.

Luckily, with White Label landing page builders like Unbounce or Instapage, you can offer clients a customizable, easy-to-use tool under your brand.

Your clients can build and optimize landing pages for their campaigns without needing to understand complex coding, while you get to provide a valuable service that strengthens your brand.

E-commerce Solutions

Building an e-commerce platform can be difficult, and managing an online store involves a variety of tools, such as payment gateways and product listings.

White Label SaaS platforms like Shopify Plus allow you to offer a complete, branded e-commerce solution to your clients.

They get everything they need to manage an online store, while you provide them with a seamless, high-quality service without the overhead of development. It’s an excellent way to enter the e-commerce space without starting from scratch.

CRM Software

Managing customer relationships is key to business success, and CRM software helps companies stay on top of leads and sales.

Instead of building a CRM tool, you can use White Label platforms like Zoho CRM or Salesforce, rebrand them as your own, and offer them to your clients.

Your clients get all the tools they need to manage customer interactions, track sales, and organize data, while you provide a top-tier CRM solution without the development costs.

How to Start White Label SaaS Business: 7 Easy Steps

Step 1: Identify Your Niche

Choosing the right niche for a white-label SaaS business is essential for success. You need to find an industry with a high demand for software solutions but limited access to affordable options. You also want to select a niche that aligns with your expertise, as this will make it easier for you to market and sell the product effectively.

How to Choose the Right Niche For White Label SaaS:

  • Assess Your Strengths: Think about the industries you have experience in. Do you know what kinds of software they use? What pain points do businesses in that industry face? For instance, if you have experience in digital marketing, you might know that many small agencies struggle to find affordable CRM tools. This insight will help guide your decision on which SaaS product to white-label.
  • Look for Underserved Markets: Find industries that still rely on outdated tools or have no affordable software options.
  • Analyze the Competition: Study the existing solutions in the niche. If the market is saturated, it could be challenging to break in.
  • Consider Scalability: Choose a niche that can scale with your business. For example, a White Label SaaS solution for digital marketing can serve both small agencies and larger firms, allowing you to grow as your clients’ businesses grow.

Step 2: Research White Label SaaS Resellers/Providers

After you’ve identified your niche, look for providers/resellers who will let you rebrand their software. Your provider will be responsible for all of the essential functionality, so it’s important to choose wisely.

Key Factors to Evaluate:

  • Customization Options: Can you fully brand the software with your logo, colors, and domain?
  • Licensing and Pricing: Ensure the provider’s fees align with your pricing strategy. And Do also check for any licensing limitations, if any.
  • Support and Updates: Make sure they offer good customer support and regular updates.
  • Scalability: Can their platform handle your growth? Ensure it performs well as your business expands.

However, you can look for the popular white-label SaaS reseller/provider which includes Vendasta (for marketing tools) and GoHighLevel (for automation tools)

Step 3: Customize Your SaaS Platform

This step involves turning the software into something that feels unique to your business. Customize the platform to fit your brand’s look and feel.

The Key Areas for Customization:

  • Branding: Place your logo, use a custom domain, and ensure the color scheme matches your brand.
  • User Experience (UX): The software should be user-friendly. Even if the core software isn’t changeable, you can often customize the layout, menus, and certain features to improve usability.
  • Localization: If you’re targeting users in different countries, consider localizing the platform by adding multi-language support or region-specific features.
  • Feature Customization: Depending on the Reseller/provider, you may be able to customize or add new features. For example, if you’re offering a White Label CRM, you might want to add extra reporting features or integrate third-party tools like email marketing services or payment processors. Be sure to choose a platform that allows API integrations if you need this flexibility.

Step 4: Develop a Pricing

The next big decision is how you will price and market your White Label SaaS product. As you have control over branding and pricing, you can create a pricing strategy that suits your target audience and their budget.

How to Develop a Pricing Strategy for White Lable SaaS:

  • Research Competitors: Study how other SaaS businesses in your niche price their products. Are they using a subscription model, freemium model, or charging per user? This will give you a good baseline to understand.
  • Consider Your Costs: Make sure to analyze your costs, including any fees you’re paying to the White Label SaaS provider/reseller, marketing expenses, and customer support costs. Your pricing should cover these expenses while leaving enough margin for profit.

Choose a Pricing Model:

  • Subscription Model: Charge monthly or annually.
  • Freemium Model: Offer basic limited features for free and charge for advanced features as premium plans.
  • One-time Payment: Charge a one-time fee for lifetime access.
  • Usage-based Pricing: Charge based on usage, such as per transaction or per user.

Step 5: Launch and Scale Your White Label SaaS Business

With your platform customized and pricing set, it’s time to launch your White Label SaaS business. But launching is just the beginning—you’ll need to continually improve and scale your operations.

Launch Plan:

  • Soft Launch: Before going all-in, start with a soft launch. Introduce the product to a limited audience (such as a small group of clients or beta testers) and gather feedback. This will help you iron out any issues before the full launch.
  • Full Launch: Once you’re confident everything is running smoothly, roll out your product to a broader audience. Announce your launch across your social media platforms and other marketing platforms.

It’s your choice, to choose the launch plan, and how you want to present your product in the market.

Scaling Tips:

  • Customer Retention: SaaS businesses thrive on recurring revenue, so retaining customers is crucial. Provide excellent customer support, continuously improve the product, and offer incentives (like discounts or loyalty programs) to encourage long-term use.
  • Expand Marketing Channels: As your business grows, explore new marketing channels. For example, you might partner with influencers in your industry, attend trade shows, or host webinars to showcase your product.
  • Hire a Team: As your business grows, bring on the team for sales, marketing, and Customer support.
  • Invest in Automation: Automating key parts of your business can save time and improve efficiency. Look for tools that automate marketing campaigns, customer onboarding, billing, and customer support.

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Step 6: Manage Operations and Customer Support

Now that your White Label SaaS business is up and running, it’s crucial to ensure smooth day-to-day operations and provide excellent customer support. This ensures customer satisfaction and retention, which are critical in a SaaS business model.

Operational Management:

  • Platform Maintenance: While your White Label SaaS provider will handle most technical updates, you’ll still need to oversee the day-to-day functioning of the software. Regularly check in with the provider to ensure there are no technical issues and that your product runs smoothly.
  • Monitor User Activity: Track how clients use the platform to find areas for improvement.
  • Billing: Implement automated billing to manage subscriptions and payments, to streamline the billing process.

Customer Support:

  • Offer 24/7 Support: Use AI chatbots or outsource to provide round-the-clock assistance.
  • Create a Knowledge Base: Build a help center with articles, tutorials, and FAQs.
  • Collect Feedback: Regularly ask for customer input to improve your product.

Step 7: Optimize and Improve Your White Label SaaS

Running a successful White Label SaaS business isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it venture. To stay competitive, you’ll need to continually optimize your product or services and your business practices.

Optimization Tips:

  • Add New Features: Evolve with customer needs by adding value-added features.
  • Improve Performance: Ensure the platform runs smoothly, with fast load times and intuitive design
  • Refine Sales Funnel: Personalize your outreach and try different pricing strategies to boost conversions.
  • Reduce Cancellations: Keep an eye on your Cancellations or bounce rate—the percentage of customers who cancel their subscription. Reducing churn is critical for SaaS success. Do Offer discounts, conduct exit interviews, and make sure customers know the value of staying with your product.

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Wrapping Up

Starting a White Label SaaS business is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to break into the software market without the hassle of development.

By following the steps outlined in this guide—you can set yourself up for long-term success in the SaaS industry.

White Label SaaS offers scalability, flexibility, and profitability, making it a powerful business model for the modern entrepreneur.

Hope this article helped you with what you came for!

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